The ROYS conference will be back for 2023, with a two day event hosted at the Leeds City Museum on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th June. Our Call for Papers is now live, and linked here.
This year in addition to our usual field of anything relating to Yorkshire’s past, we’re also looking for papers for a special ‘overlooked’ panel, linked to the Preservative Party’s current ‘Overlooked’ exhibition, which you can now see at the museum.
If you have any questions regarding the Conference or Call for Papers, you can email us at ridingsofyorkshire@gmail.com, follow us on twitter or instagram at @ROYSociety, or visit our website at www.ridingsofyorkshire.blogspot.com.
We’re all looking forward to what promises to be another great conference. Keep an eye out for further announcements about this year’s event soon.
If you can’t wait until June, don’t forget that you can also listen to our podcast by searching “ROYSCast” in your podcast provider, or access it directly here.